1. Describe Color and it's effects on emotions. Use the appropriate vocabulary of color in your posting.
Color is a component of light, more specifically- reflected light rays. In 1666, Sir Isaac Newton discovered by passing light through a prism, it refracted into different colors arranged like a rainbow. He then discovered that if he used a second prism and combined the colors, they merged into white light once again. This proved that color was an effect of light, not a tangible thing.
Color consists of primary colors, such as red, yellow and blue. It also consists of secondary colors, which are created with the primary colors (orange, violet and green) and tertiary colors, which are primary colors mixed with adjacent colors. Color can be mixed through light or pigment. I thought it was interesting how with light, color tends to react almost the opposite of how it acts with pigment.
Living With Art states: “Color affects us on such a basic level that few would deny we have a direct emotional response to it. The problem comes when we try to find universal principles, for we quickly discover that emotional responses to color are both culturally conditioned and intensely personal.” I agree with this statement, as when an artist uses a monochromatic palette of say, blues, such as Inka Essenhigh’s In Bed, I tend to look at that painting and feel calm, but also a sense of somber as my eye travels around the painting, whereas someone else may look at her painting and feel something completely different. However, there is no denying that the blue palette she has chosen affects the viewer’s mood.
2. What is a theoretical aspect of color that most intrigues/fascinates you? Why?
Primary colors are a theoretical aspect of color that fascinates me, and always has, because essentially, without red, yellow or blue, no other colors are possible. Secondary and tertiary colors are all created through the mixing or combining with a primary color. Theoretically, no other colors can create a primary, hence, without them, we’d be color-less!
3. In the Color video, what made the biggest impact on you in regards to color and it's effects on emotions?
In the Color video, the most impactful part of the video was when June explains how the mood of her painting was not quite right, and at that point of her process, her painting was heavily influenced by warmer colors and she explains that it feels “violent”, however, when she explains toward the end that it’s done, the painting has much more of a balance between cool and warm colors, which to me, gave me a feeling of calm of sense of tranquility. I also found it fascinating how intense she felt about getting the balance of color correctly, as she explained that her paintings are all about feeling. She also quotes “color has lots of meanings and symbols and ideas behind it” and I really think that comes through in her work.
4. In the Feelings video, what made the biggest impact on you in regards to color and it's effects on emotions?
The biggest impact on me in the Feelings video was Goya’s paintings. It was fascinating to me that he lead a double life of painting commissions by day, but personally, creating dark, almost scary paintings of how he felt internally. The one painting that really stood out to me was his painting of Carlos IV and his family. Specifically, how he evoked unease through their clothing, their ‘homely’ faces, un-noble eyes, and how he painted himself in the shadows in the back. Evoking to the viewer that he is separated from the family he works for. Through the use of color and composition, he makes the viewer uncomfortable, impressing upon them how uneasy he feels.
I really enjoyed learning about the change in art from glorifying the divine to becoming more human.
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