The three self portraits I chose as inspiration are:
Vincent Van Gogh, Self Portrait ,1889
Oil on canvas
438.2 x 571.5 cm
Judith Leyster, Self Portrait, 1630
Oil on canvas
651 x 746 cm
Nadar, Self Portrait With Wife Ernestine In A Balloon Gondola, 1865
Gelatin Silver Print
8.6 x 7.7 cm
Here is my reference photo:
1. Why did you select the inspiration pieces?
I selected the inspiration pieces because I liked the juxtaposition of the three. The Van Gogh is very expressionistic, and I love his brush strokes and color palette. I chose the Judith Leyster because it is a pretty traditional painting and I liked that she chose to portray herself as an artist and in the midst of painting. Her subject is also very lighthearted, and the whole portrait is just light and happy. Finally, I chose the Nadar because I wanted to ensure I captured a different form of media. This one caught my eye because it was somewhat askew, and I liked that they posed themselves in a studio inside of the balloon basket. Taking photographs during that time took a long time, and I liked that they chose to portray themselves in a lighthearted way.
2. Why did you select the media to create your self-portrait?
I chose colored pencil because it is one of my favorite media to work with. I think it is fun to blend the colors and also be able to layer them. I wanted something colorful and expressionistic and I think colored pencils captured that.
3. What challenges did you face in creating your self-portrait and how did you overcome them?
I think my color palette was my biggest challenge. I first started out with a bolder palette with reds but as I started adding more colors it didn't seem to fit. I just tried to work with it and layer some colors so it did not seem so bright.
4. How does this piece represent you?
It represents me because I am always attracted to bright colors, and my portrait is light and happy and expressionistic. I also wanted it to appear in loose strokes, which is kind of a contradiction to my personality, as I am always double checking everything and pretty type-A.
5. What elements and principles of art did you apply in this work?
I applied color and form by using a non-traditional color palette to create the forms of my face and hair. I used texture through my pencil strokes which I think creates some movement and moves the eye around the image.
6. Did you enjoy working on this project?
It was fun! I don't get the opportunity to draw as much as I used to, and I definitely feel rusty, but I've really enjoyed being able to practice a bit during this class. It was fun to think about how I wanted to represent myself.
7. What do you think of your final artwork?
I like it! Like I said, I feel like my drawing skills are a little out of practice, but I think it came out well and is a good representation of myself.
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