1. Discuss what you thought about creating your logo.
Creating my logo was a fun exercise. I enjoyed brainstorming and refining the design. It was harder than I thought it would be to come up with a logo for myself!
2. Describe the process: creative thinking skills and ideas you used in the logo creation.
I wanted to create something that represents something that is important to me; and one of the most important things to me is hand embroidery. I do this in all of my spare time, and use this as my creative outlet, so I wanted to make a logo that represented that. I thought about the two most important elements to hand embroidery: my hands and thread, so I knew those were the two elements I wanted to embody.
At first, I wanted to add the embroidery hoop, which you can see reflected in my earlier sketches, but as I kept refining, it looked too busy with the circle (hoop) outline and the thread. I then used the thread as the outline with a contrasted thickness, which I think helped to create movement and interesting negative space. I also wanted to include the name I work under (The Stitch Witch), so I added my (poorly) designed type onto the fingers to emulate tattoos. I am a lover of tattoos and they are also important to me, so I wanted to also add that element. The last element I added was the nails for a touch of femininity.
3. What was the most important discovery you made in the creation of your logo?
The most important discovery I made in the creation of my logo was how my thinking evolved as I moved along. While I knew the elements I wanted to add into my design, I found myself thinking about each element, how it would affect the design, and where to place it. I also learned that I am not very good at hand-lettering!
4. What is the most important information you learned from watching the videos, powerpoint, and reading material for this project? What is your opinion of the videos?
I enjoyed both of the videos. I never realized how much planning goes into brand and logo design. I guess I had somewhat of an idea, but seeing it in action was awesome. I think the most important things I learned were the importance of tradition, and how logos are essentially elements of design broken down into easily recognizable images. The Marmite video was especially interesting to watch. It was crazy to see how much time, effort and planning went into designing a squeeze bottle and new label. I enjoyed seeing how they worked so hard to keep the recognizable tradition of Marmite, but adjust it to changing times.
Final Logo:
This was my favorite logo I've seen. It must've taken a lot of work to make it look so neat and perfect.